In the ever-evolving landscape of energy conservation and optimisation, ensuring the efficiency of industrial processes is crucial. Anssum, driven by its commitment to sustainable energy solutions, initiated a project in South Africa focused on improving the recirculation rates in Multiple Effect Evaporators (MEE).

Project Overview

  • Focus Area: Energy
  • Country: South Africa
  • Description: MEE Recirculation Rate Improvements
  • Status: Completed

The Challenge

Optimal recirculation rates in the evaporators are paramount to achieving energy efficiency. However, inconsistencies in these rates can lead to operational challenges such as pump vibrations, which can compromise the system’s effectiveness and longevity.

The Initiative

The core proposition was to provide new calibration and operating instructions to improve the recirculation rates in the evaporators. The strategic approach involved maintaining a steadier level at higher set points. This adjustment ensured that the recirculation pump was provided with a more significant suction head, optimising its operation and reducing vibration issues.

Additionally, a strong emphasis was placed on the maintenance of the level sensors of the effects. Proper maintenance and monitoring of these sensors are crucial to ensure that the desired levels are consistently achieved, leading to smoother operations and enhanced efficiency.

Outcome and Advantages

The project successfully eliminated the vibration issues associated with the recirculation pump, enhancing the overall efficiency and lifespan of the evaporator system. By maintaining steadier levels at higher set points, the recirculation pump could operate more effectively, reducing wear and tear and ensuring consistent performance.

Concluding Thoughts

The MEE Recirculation Rate Improvements project stands as a testament to Anssum’s dedication to energy-efficient solutions in industrial processes. Through meticulous calibration, operational adjustments, and a focus on maintenance, Anssum has once again showcased its expertise in providing sustainable solutions that not only conserve energy but also optimise industrial operations.

As the global push for energy efficiency intensifies, projects like this underscore the importance of continual innovation and adaptation in industrial processes. Anssum’s approach offers a glimpse into the future of sustainable and efficient energy solutions.



In the realm of water conservation, energy efficiency, and optimised production, the right control mechanisms are paramount. Anssum, with its unwavering commitment to these pillars, embarked on a project in South Africa to optimise the consistency control of blowtanks, paving the way for a more efficient and environmentally-friendly production process.

Project Overview

  • Focus Areas: Water, Production, Energy
  • Country: South Africa
  • Description: Blowtank Consistency Control Optimisation
  • Status: Completed
  • Timeline: September 14, 2022 – October 30, 2022

The Challenge

Consistency control within the blowtank discharge process was identified as an area ripe for enhancement. Achieving optimal pulp consistency is crucial for effective brown stock washing. However, the existing system required frequent manual intervention, leading to inefficiencies and increased operational complexities.

The Initiative

Anssum proposed a revamped control structure for the blowtank discharge process. The new design incorporated:

  • Feedforward Control: Anticipating future changes by using current measurements.
  • Feedback Control: Adjusting the process based on the difference between the desired and measured values.
  • Cascade Control: Using multiple controllers to manage a single control loop, enhancing the accuracy.
  • PID Logic Infrastructure: This infrastructure is straightforward to implement and offers a balance of proportional, integral, and derivative actions, ensuring smooth and precise control.

The goal was to regulate pulp consistency using only two control valves supplying hot liquor as manipulated variables, the pulp discharge valve positions as disturbance variables, and the blow effluent pulp consistency as the controlled variable.

Outcome and Challenges

The results were compelling. The Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of consistency was reduced by a notable 17%. Furthermore, the need for manual intervention to control blowtank consistency was eliminated, streamlining the process and ensuring consistent, high-quality output.

Concluding Thoughts

The Blowtank Consistency Control Optimisation project exemplifies Anssum’s dedication to sustainable and efficient solutions. By integrating advanced control mechanisms into the production process, Anssum has not only enhanced the quality of the output but has also underscored the importance of automation and precision in modern industrial operations.

As industries face increasing pressures to conserve resources and enhance production efficiency, initiatives like this one by Anssum provide a roadmap for sustainable and optimised operations in the future.



Water, energy, and environmental conservation are three key pillars that drive modern industrial processes. In this context, a significant initiative was undertaken in South Africa to enhance the control of liquor coolers. The primary objective? Decrease SO2 emission in the MgO#2 blow tank stack, ensuring a sustainable and environmentally friendly operation.

Project Overview

  • Focus Areas: Water, Energy, Environment
  • Country: South Africa
  • Description: Liquor Cooler Control Enhancement
  • Status: Completed
  • Timeline: August 26, 2022 – September 26, 2022

The Challenge

The MgO#2 blow tank stack had been identified as a significant source of SO2 emissions. With environmental sustainability at the forefront, Anssum undertook a root cause analysis to pinpoint the underlying issues. The findings? The control system surrounding the liquor cooler was underperforming. This inefficiency resulted in hot quench liquor being directed to the digesters and subsequent over-pressurisation of these digesters during the pulp discharge phase.

The Initiative

Armed with this knowledge, Anssum’s approach was twofold:

  • Focus on Control: The initiative emphasised enhancing the control mechanisms around the liquor coolers. This involved an in-depth look at the tuning parameters and the overall layout of the control system. By understanding the current limitations and inefficiencies, a tailored solution could be proposed.
  • Leveraging Unutilised Equipment: A critical observation was the presence of equipment that was not being utilised to its full potential. By tapping into these resources, the project aimed to achieve its environmental goals without incurring additional hardware costs.

Outcome and Challenges

The project served as a proof of concept, showcasing the potential to significantly reduce blow tank emissions. However, like many transformative initiatives, there were hurdles along the way. Change management emerged as a primary challenge. Adapting to new processes and systems requires a shift in mindset, and the team had to navigate these waters with tact and patience.

Concluding Thoughts

The Liquor Cooler Control Enhancement initiative stands as a testament to the power of proactive analysis and innovative thinking. By identifying underutilised resources and optimising existing systems, Anssum has once again demonstrated its commitment to sustainable and efficient solutions. As industries worldwide strive for eco-friendly operations, such projects serve as a beacon, highlighting the path forward.

Through initiatives like these, Anssum continues to lead the way in sustainable industrial practices, showcasing the perfect blend of technology and environmental consciousness.



In the relentless pursuit of enhanced energy efficiency, innovations in boiler maintenance and optimisation stand as cornerstones. Anssum, at the forefront of pioneering energy solutions, embarked on a transformative initiative in South Africa, focusing on Recovery Boiler Soot Blowing. This article provides insights into the project’s nuances and its profound impact on boiler thermal efficiency.

Project Overview

  • Focus Area: Energy
  • Country: South Africa
  • Description: Recovery Boiler Soot Blowing
  • Status: Completed
  • Timeline: October 13, 2022 – April 20, 2023

The Challenge

Recovery boilers play a pivotal role in various industries, particularly in processing Dry Black Liquor (DBL) — a byproduct of the kraft pulping process. However, these boilers often face efficiency challenges due to soot accumulation. If not addressed efficiently, this soot can significantly hamper the boiler’s thermal capabilities.

The Anssum Solution

To tackle this challenge, Anssum introduced “smart soot blowing,” a modern technique with several advantages:

  • Precision: It targets specific areas of soot accumulation that critically affect efficiency.
  • Adaptability: The technique adjusts the soot blowing frequency and intensity based on real-time data and feedback.
  • Optimisation: By concentrating on key problematic areas, it reduces wear and tear on boiler tubes, extending the boiler’s operational lifespan.

Technical Achievements

The initiative’s outcomes were notably impactful:

DBL Ratio Enhancement: The Dry Black Liquor to steam ratio, a crucial metric reflecting the efficiency of processing this substance, improved by a remarkable 4.24%. This indicates a more efficient conversion of DBL, leading to optimised energy utilisation.

In Conclusion

Anssum’s Recovery Boiler Soot Blowing project in South Africa underscores the transformative potential of innovative energy solutions. With the introduction of smart soot blowing, the standards of boiler maintenance and efficiency have been elevated.

As the energy landscape continues to evolve, Anssum remains committed to championing initiatives that not only address immediate challenges but also pave the way for a more sustainable and efficient future.



The energy sector continually seeks innovative solutions to maximise efficiency and optimise processes. Anssum, in its unwavering commitment to energy conservation, embarked on an initiative in South Africa that centered on the MgO#2 evaporators. Let’s explore the nuances of this project and its profound implications for energy conservation.

Project Overview

  • Focus Area: Energy
  • Country: South Africa
  • Description: MEE Cleaning
  • Status: Completed
  • Timeline: September 2020 – May 2021

The Challenge

MgO#2 evaporators, crucial for various industrial processes, often necessitate frequent shutdowns for maintenance. These shutdowns can be disruptive and lead to inefficiencies in the overall process. The primary goal was to extend the mean time between these shuts, ensuring smoother operations and heightened efficiency.

The Anssum Strategy

To address this challenge, Anssum conceptualised a two-pronged approach:

  • Development of KPIs: Two Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were created using available equipment. The short-term KPI provides insights into the condition of each of the four effects. This KPI not only aids in immediate decision-making but can also be employed in a closed-loop manner to clean dirtier effects in the evaporator. This is achieved by adjusting the surge tank level set points. The long-term KPI, on the other hand, assists in optimising the cleaning schedule. It helps determine the ideal time to shut the MEEs, factoring in mill conditions.
  • Cleaning Schedule Optimisation: With the help of the long-term KPI, Anssum was able to devise a cleaning schedule that ensures the MEEs are shut at optimal times. This minimises disruptions and ensures maximum efficiency.

Technical Achievements

The MEE Cleaning initiative bore significant fruits:

  • Steam Usage Reduction: A commendable reduction of 7t/hr was achieved.
  • Efficiency Improvement: The overall efficiency of the process was enhanced by 5%.
  • Efficiency Variance Improvement: The efficiency variance saw a marked improvement, with a 13% uptick.


Anssum’s MEE Cleaning project in South Africa stands as a sterling example of the power of innovative solutions in the energy sector. By strategically employing KPIs and optimising cleaning schedules, the initiative not only extended the mean time between shuts for the MgO#2 evaporators but also significantly improved their efficiency.

In the dynamic landscape of energy conservation, such initiatives underscore Anssum’s commitment to pioneering solutions that drive efficiency and sustainability. As we forge ahead, endeavors like these illuminate our path, showcasing the transformative potential of control engineering and process optimisation.



In recent times, industries across the globe have been under immense pressure to adopt sustainable practices and optimise their energy consumption. In this vein, Anssum embarked on a pivotal project in South Africa with the objective of bolstering the thermal efficiency of recovery boilers. Here’s a deep dive into the project’s specifics and its noteworthy outcomes.

Project Overview

  • Focus Area: Energy
  • Country: South Africa
  • Description: MEE Cleaning
  • Status: Completed
  • Timeline: September 2020 – May 2021

The Challenge

Recovery boilers, fundamental to various industrial applications, frequently face diminished thermal efficiency due to the accumulation of soot. This buildup not only impedes boiler functionality but also results in heightened fuel usage, leading to increased operational costs.

The Anssum Solution

Identifying the root of the problem, Anssum rolled out a smart soot blowing system. This innovative system, as opposed to conventional fixed-interval methods, employs state-of-the-art sensors and algorithms to pinpoint the ideal moment for soot blowing. By ensuring timely soot removal, the heat transfer surfaces remain uncontaminated, thereby optimising the boiler’s thermal efficiency.

Technical Value

The introduction of the smart soot blowing mechanism yielded tangible improvements in the boiler’s performance metrics. Specifically, an additional 5 t/h of steam was generated at the same fuel firing rate. This not only denotes a decrease in fuel demands but also culminates in considerable long-term cost benefits.


Anssum’s initiative in South Africa serves as a compelling case study, showcasing the transformative potential of control engineering and process optimisation in realising significant energy conservation. With the successful deployment of the smart soot blowing infrastructure, the recovery boiler’s thermal efficiency witnessed marked enhancements, setting the stage for a sustainable and economically viable operational trajectory.

“In the ever-evolving industrial milieu, embracing cutting-edge innovations and solutions is paramount. As we remain steadfast in our mission to craft solutions centered around conserving critical resources, endeavors like these underscore our unwavering dedication to fostering a sustainable tomorrow.”