In the face of global water scarcity, optimising water utilisation in industrial processes is more crucial than ever. Anssum’s project in South Africa, centered on Plant Wide Water Scheduling, epitomises this commitment to water conservation and efficient resource management.

Project Overview

  • Category: Water
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Plant Wide Water Scheduling
  • Status: Completed


Water plays a pivotal role in numerous industrial processes, and its efficient management is paramount to ensure uninterrupted production. Overlapping regeneration and backwash sequences can strain reservoir levels, potentially leading to production halts.

The Challenge

Ensuring water security by preventing high demand periods on the reservoir due to overlapping regeneration and backwash sequences.

  • Mitigating production losses associated with low reservoir levels.
  • Enhancing water efficiency in pulp production processes.

Anssum's Innovative Solution

To address these challenges, Anssum introduced a comprehensive scheduling system:

  • Intelligent Scheduling: The system schedules regeneration and backwash sequences to minimise overlapping. This intelligent approach ensures that the reservoir is not unduly strained during high demand periods.
  • Optimised Water Usage: The solution not only ensures water security but also optimises water usage in pulp production. This means producing more pulp per unit volume of water, thereby enhancing water efficiency.

Benefits & Outcomes

The project’s completion has led to several noteworthy outcomes:

  • Enhanced Water Security: The intelligent scheduling has significantly mitigated the risk of production losses due to low reservoir levels.
  • Improved Water Efficiency: There has been a marked reduction in specific water usage. The plant now produces more pulp for every cubic meter of water used.
  • Stabilised Water Demand: The system reduces the variance in water demand, ensuring a more predictable and stable utilisation pattern.


Anssum’s Plant Wide Water Scheduling project stands as a beacon of sustainable industrial practices. By prioritising water conservation and optimising its use, Anssum showcases its commitment to both environmental responsibility and production excellence.

Anssum remains at the forefront of sustainable solutions, leveraging technological advancements to ensure a greener and more resource-efficient future.



Water is an invaluable resource that is becoming increasingly scarce. In this context, Anssum is committed to pioneering engineering solutions that focus on water savings in industrial settings. With a portfolio of successful projects in various countries, our goal is to help industries operate more sustainably while also achieving cost-efficiencies.

The Urgency of Water Savings

Water scarcity is a global issue that poses severe challenges to industries that are significant water consumers. Inefficient water usage not only escalates operational costs but also contributes to environmental degradation. Anssum’s water savings initiatives aim to address these critical concerns by optimising water-intensive processes.

Our Multifaceted Approach

Our water-saving initiatives cover multiple aspects of industrial operations:

  • Process Water Recycling: We develop systems that allow for the efficient recycling and reuse of process water, reducing the need for fresh water intake.
  • Cooling Tower Optimisation: By enhancing cooling tower operations, we minimise water loss through evaporation and drift, thereby conserving significant amounts of water.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Our solutions also include advanced wastewater treatment processes that enable the reuse of water, further reducing fresh water consumption.

Global Reach

Anssum’s water-saving projects have been successfully implemented in various countries, demonstrating our global commitment to water conservation and sustainable industrial practices.

Measurable Achievements

Our initiatives have led to significant water savings:

  • Our Process Water Recycling solutions have enabled industries to reduce fresh water intake by up to 30%, translating into substantial cost savings.
  • Cooling Tower Optimisation initiatives have resulted in a reduction of water loss by approximately 15-20%.

The Road Ahead

Water conservation is an ongoing challenge requiring innovative and effective solutions. Anssum remains committed to research and development in this area, aiming to set new industry standards for water efficiency and conservation.


Anssum’s water savings initiatives showcase our dedication to engineering sustainable and efficient solutions for pressing environmental challenges. Through our multifaceted approach, we deliver measurable results that not only meet but often exceed client expectations. As we forge ahead, our focus remains on creating a more sustainable future through intelligent water conservation strategies.



Water, as a crucial resource in industrial applications, demands efficient management. Anssum’s endeavor in South Africa, titled “Mill Wide Warm and Hot Water Balancing,” showcases an exemplary approach to optimise water usage and minimise wastage.

Project Overview

  • Category: Water
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Mill Wide Warm and Hot Water Balancing
  • Status: Completed


The MgO1 Warm/Hot water tank stands as a linchpin in the cooling process of MgO2 and MgO3 flash tanks, LP coolers, and liquor coolers. With a systematic exchange of water, MgO3 returns the heated water to the MgO1 hot water tank, while MgO2 redirects its heated water to Bleaching 4. Although overflows at MgO1 and MgO2 facilitate the transfer from the MgO1 warm water tank to the MgO3A warm water tank, they are not primarily intended for level control. These transfers, while essential, posed a challenge in conserving water and preventing unnecessary wastage.

The Challenge

  • Streamline the transfer of water between different sections of the plant.
  • Minimise the influx of mill water into the system.
  • Reduce water wastage due to overflows.

Anssum's Holistic Solution

Understanding the intricacies of the water transfer system, Anssum set out to:

  • Enhance Transfer Efficiency: By revisiting the water transfer dynamics, Anssum ensured that water moved seamlessly between MgO1, MgO2, and MgO3, catering to the cooling needs without wastage.
  • Optimal Overflow Management: The overflows at MgO1 and MgO2, initially incidental, were effectively managed to minimise water losses.
  • Efficient Level Control: While the tanks had their inherent level control mechanisms, Anssum’s intervention fine-tuned these controls to maintain optimal water levels and prevent unnecessary water intake from the mill.

Remarkable Outcomes

  • Substantial Water Savings: Anssum’s efforts bore fruit with a significant reduction in water consumption. The initiative led to a decrease in 70 m3/hr of mains water, underscoring the project’s success.


The “Mill Wide Warm and Hot Water Balancing” project is a testament to Anssum’s expertise in resource optimisation. By strategically balancing water levels and transfers across the mill, Anssum not only conserved a precious resource but also set a benchmark for industries to emulate.

Anssum’s commitment to efficient water management resonates in projects like these, proving that with foresight and technical prowess, industries can strike a balance between operational demands and sustainable practices.



In the realm of industrial processes, even a minor oversight can lead to a significant waste of resources. Anssum’s project on the “Washpit Scrubber Condenser Control” in South Africa is a testament to the importance of timely intervention and innovative solutions.

Project Overview

  • Category: Water
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Washpit Scrubber Condenser Control
  • Status: Completed


Scrubbers play a critical role in reducing emissions from industrial processes. In South Africa’s industrial landscape, the washpit scrubber was designed with a logic to increase water usage whenever the stack SO2 measurement surpassed a specific threshold. While the logic effectively kept emissions in check, it inadvertently strained the warm water circuit.

The Challenge

  • Address the excessive water consumption by the scrubber.
  • Find an alternative to the existing logic that triggers increased water usage.
  • Ensure that SO2 emissions remain within acceptable limits without compromising on water efficiency.

Anssum's Insightful Solution

A thorough investigation by Anssum revealed a crucial observation: the incoming temperature to the scrubber rose noticeably before any increase in stack emissions was detected. This temperature change presented a timely warning sign, an opportunity to preemptively address potential emissions.

Building on this discovery, Anssum implemented a two-pronged approach:

  • Temperature Monitoring: By continuously monitoring the incoming temperature, the system could predict potential stack emissions before they occurred.
  • New Logic Implementation: Capitalising on the early warning from temperature changes, Anssum introduced new logic. This innovative logic reacted to temperature shifts, adjusting the scrubber’s operations preemptively and reducing the likelihood of triggering the old water-intensive logic.

Impressive Outcomes

  • Water Savings: The project resulted in a significant conservation of water. There was a 50% reduction in water supplied to the scrubber, translating to savings of 50 to 100 m3/hr.
  • Efficient Emission Control: The new logic ensured that SO2 emissions were effectively managed without the need for excessive water usage.
  • Protection of Warm Water Circuit: The reduced water demand from the scrubber alleviated the strain on the warm water circuit, ensuring its longevity and efficiency.


The Washpit Scrubber Condenser Control project exemplifies Anssum’s commitment to sustainable solutions that balance operational needs with environmental responsibility. By turning challenges into opportunities for innovation, Anssum continues to redefine industry standards and pave the way for a more resource-efficient future.

Anssum’s dedication to water conservation and process optimisation proves that with the right approach, industries can thrive while upholding environmental values.



Water conservation, efficient chemical usage, and environmental responsibility are at the core of modern industrial processes. Anssum’s “Brown Stock Washing Optimisation” project in South Africa encapsulates these values, showcasing a masterclass in control engineering and process optimisation.

Project Overview

  • Categories: Water, Chemicals, Environment
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Brown Stock Washing Optimisation
  • Status: Completed


The process of brown stock washing plays a pivotal role in the pulp and paper industry. However, inconsistencies in the operation can lead to inefficiencies, increased water consumption, and reduced production rates. The challenge was to ensure stable operation while optimising water and chemical consumption.

The Challenge

  • Achieve better control of consistency into the belt washer.
  • Enhance the operation stability of the belt washer.
  • Optimise the vacuum boxes in the belt washer for improved washing efficiency and vacuum profile.

Anssum's Ingenious Solution

Anssum, with its expertise in control engineering, proposed a dual-phase solution:

  • Feed Forward Control Scheme: Anssum introduced a new feed-forward control scheme that ensured better consistency control into the belt washer by appropriately loading the units. This approach allowed for real-time adjustments, leading to consistent operations and reduced inefficiencies.
  • Operational Stabilisation and Vacuum Control: After ensuring the stability of the belt washer’s operation, the focus shifted to refining the control of the vacuum boxes. This optimisation aimed to enhance washing efficiency and restore the vacuum profile, ensuring optimal water and chemical usage.

Remarkable Outcomes

  • Consistency Control: The initiative led to a massive reduction in the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of consistency by 73.78%.
  • Operational Stability: The stable operation of the belt washer resulted in a significant production rate increase of 40%.
  • Optimised Vacuum Profile: The vacuum profile of the belt washer was successfully restored, leading to more efficient operations.
  • Water Conservation: One of the standout achievements was the reduction in water consumption per Bone Dry Tonne (Bdt) by 32.14%, showcasing Anssum’s commitment to environmental sustainability.


The Brown Stock Washing Optimisation project underscores Anssum’s dedication to blending technical prowess with environmental consciousness. By achieving operational excellence and reducing resource consumption, Anssum continues to set industry standards, demonstrating the transformative power of intelligent process optimisation.

With its unwavering commitment to conserving water, optimising chemical usage, and protecting the environment, Anssum is not just engineering solutions; it’s crafting a sustainable future.



The challenge of ensuring energy efficiency while maintaining equipment longevity and production effectiveness is one that industries worldwide grapple with. Anssum’s project in South Africa, titled “Evaporator Washing Optimisation,” showcases a strategic approach to tackle this challenge, especially concerning the MgO#1 pre-evaporators.

Project Overview

  • Category: Energy
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Evaporator Washing Optimisation
  • Status: In progress


Evaporators, especially in industrial settings, need regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure their optimal functioning. Over time, residues can accumulate, affecting the efficiency of the evaporators and necessitating unplanned shutdowns.

The Challenge

Extending the mean time between shutdowns for the MgO#1 pre-evaporators.

  • Ensuring that the evaporators, Alice and Rhonda, are shut down for cleaning only when necessary, optimising the cleaning schedule based on the actual condition of the equipment.
  • Implementing a system that can evaluate the condition of each of the four effects in real-time.

Anssum's Innovative Solution

To address these challenges, Anssum proposed the following solutions:

  • Development of Two KPIs: Anssum introduced two Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the evaporators.
    • Short-term KPI: This KPI helps establish the condition of each of the four effects in real-time. It aids in immediate decision-making, ensuring that any effect that is dirty or not working optimally is addressed promptly.
    • Long-term KPI: This KPI determines whether Alice or Rhonda needs to be shut down for cleaning. It will be used to optimise the cleaning schedule, ensuring that shutdowns are planned considering the overall mill conditions.

Closed-loop System: The short-term KPI can be employed in a closed-loop manner. By adjusting the surge tank level set points, it’s possible

Anticipated Outcomes

  • Extended Equipment Longevity: By ensuring that the evaporators are cleaned only when necessary, their lifespan and efficiency are expected to improve.
  • Optimised Cleaning Schedules: The use of the long-term KPI will help in scheduling cleaning processes at optimal times, reducing unplanned shutdowns.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: The closed-loop system using the short-term KPI will ensure that the evaporators are always functioning at their peak efficiency.


Anssum’s Evaporator Washing Optimisation project is a testament to the company’s commitment to energy efficiency and sustainable operations. By leveraging technology and strategic planning, Anssum continues to pave the way for a more energy-efficient future.

Anssum is steadfast in its mission to provide solutions that combine technological prowess with sustainable practices, ensuring both operational excellence and environmental responsibility.



In the quest for greater efficiency in the realms of chemicals, environment, and energy, Anssum’s project centred on the Liquor Filters Control Optimisation in South Africa offers a blueprint for enhanced process efficiency and sustainability.

Project Overview

  • Focus Areas: Chemicals, Environment, Energy
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Liquor Filters Control Optimisation
  • Status: Completed

Setting the Scene

Liquor filters play a pivotal role in the chemical process industry, particularly in the filtration of liquors. A pressing challenge was the inefficiency observed in the existing liquor filters, which were predominantly run in manual mode. This approach led to the passage of more fibres to the recovery circuit, resulting in fibre concentrations in the filtered liquor ranging from 300-400 ppm. Such high fibre concentrations directly contributed to fouling in the evaporators, a scenario further exacerbated by the addition of a third liquor filter.

The Challenge

The crux of the challenge revolved around:

  • The passage of high fibre concentrations, directly causing fouling in the evaporators.
  • The impending risk posed by the addition of a third liquor filter, which under the current operational paradigm, threatened to introduce even more fibrous liquor to the recovery circuit.

Anssum's Innovative Solution

Recognising the gravity of the challenge, Anssum proposed a solution rooted in control optimisation:

  • Transition from Manual to Automated Control: Anssum introduced a shift from the existing manual mode of operation to a more efficient control-based approach.
  • Optimising Liquor Filter Vat Level Control: The newly proposed control mechanism centered on managing the level of the liquor filters’ vat through the adjustment of the drum’s rotation speed.
  • Tangible Results: The success of the project was palpable, with initial results showing a commendable 25% reduction in fibre passage. This not only optimised the filtration process but also significantly reduced the risk of fouling in the evaporators.


The Liquor Filters Control Optimisation project in South Africa exemplifies Anssum’s dedication to innovation and sustainability. By embracing advanced control mechanisms and veering away from traditional manual modes of operation, Anssum continues to lead the way in process efficiency, championing a future where chemicals, energy, and environmental conservation are harmoniously balanced.

Anssum’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, while ensuring responsible and sustainable practices, sets the gold standard in the industry.



In a world where water, chemical, and environmental efficiency are imperative, Anssum’s innovative approach to the Batch Digester LP Gas Release project in South Africa stands out, illustrating the company’s dedication to enhancing process efficacy while prioritising sustainable practices.

Project Overview

  • Focus Areas: Water, Chemicals, Environment
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Batch Digester LP Gas Release
  • Status: Completed

Setting the Scene

Batch digesters are essential components in the chemical processing realm, with the Low Pressure (LP) gas release playing a pivotal role in the overall system performance. Recognising the potential for optimisation, Anssum embarked on an initiative to bolster heat transfer efficiency within the system.

The Challenge

The core challenge was maximising the heat transfer within the heat exchangers:

  • The aim was to harness the potential of the LP gas, capitalising on its pressure and density attributes to boost heat transfer.
  • Ensuring optimal temperature control was crucial for the successful execution of the project.

Anssum's Ingenious Solution

With a keen eye for detail and a forward-thinking approach, Anssum proposed a transformative strategy:

  • Relocation for Enhanced Control: The initiative pivoted on relocating the effective LP gas release pressure control downstream of the heat exchangers. This strategic move was designed to harness the maximal pressure of the LP gas, thus enhancing its density and, in turn, facilitating increased heat transfer within the heat exchangers.
  • Temperature Optimisation: As a testament to the success of the relocation strategy, the LP exit gas temperature observed a significant decrease – by 8°C in LP2 and a remarkable 15°C in LP3. Furthermore, the strengthening tank temperature was reduced by 2°C, further optimising the process.


The Batch Digester LP Gas Release project in South Africa underscores Anssum’s commitment to innovation, efficiency, and environmental responsibility. Through strategic re-evaluation and optimisation, Anssum continues to set industry standards, ensuring processes are not only efficient but also environmentally conscious.

Anssum remains at the forefront of championing water, chemical, and environmental efficiency, pushing boundaries and shaping the future of the industry.



In the intricate dance of water, chemicals, and environmental processes, achieving optimal performance is crucial. Anssum’s initiative on Flash Tanks Optimisation in South Africa serves as a testament to the company’s commitment to driving systems to their peak potential while ensuring environmental sustainability.

Project Overview

  • Focus Areas: Water, Chemicals, Environment
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Flash Tanks Optimisation
  • Status: Completed


Flash tanks, pivotal in the separation of liquids and gases, play a critical role in the chemical processing industry. Over time, the complexity of systems can drift from their original design parameters. Recognising this, Anssum embarked on a mission to bring the flash tanks back to their optimal performance levels.

The Challenge

The control mechanisms surrounding the flash tanks needed a thorough examination:

  • The objective was to ensure that the units operated as per their original design, guaranteeing efficiency and sustainability.
  • The necessity to maintain balance and control, especially with increasing pressures and discharges, was paramount.

Anssum's Strategic Proposal

A deep dive into the system revealed a path to enhanced performance:

  • Revisiting Control Mechanisms: Anssum proposed a revamp of the control mechanisms, suggesting a transition back to simple yet effective PID controllers. This shift aimed at controlling variables within small base layer loops, ensuring precision and reliability.
  • Pressure Augmentation: A notable outcome of the optimisation was the increase in Flash Tank 1’s pressure by 300 kPa, enhancing the tank’s efficiency and throughput.
  • Minimising Variability: With the new control mechanism in place, the variability in liquor discharges was reduced by a significant 38%. This reduction translates to more consistent operations, reduced waste, and enhanced process efficiency.

In Conclusion

Anssum’s Flash Tanks Optimisation initiative in South Africa underscores the company’s dedication to excellence and innovation. By revisiting, re-evaluating, and revamping systems, Anssum ensures that every process not only meets but exceeds its designed potential.

Anssum’s commitment to water, chemical, and environmental efficiency continues to set benchmarks, paving the way for a more sustainable and efficient future in the industry.



Water conservation, chemical processing, and environmental conservation are areas of critical importance in today’s world. Anssum, with its deep expertise and commitment to innovation, has once again demonstrated its ability to transform industrial processes. A recent initiative focused on Flash Tanks Optimisation in South Africa is a testament to this prowess.

Project Overview

  • Focus Areas: Water, Chemicals, Environment
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Flash Tanks Optimisation
  • Status: Completed
  • Timeline: 23/02/2022 – 23/03/2022

The Challenge

Flash tanks, vital in the separation and recovery processes, were not performing up to their original design specifications. This led to inefficiencies in the system, impacting downstream processes.

Anssum's Solution

Anssum identified the need to overhaul the control mechanisms surrounding the flash tanks. Their proposition was clear:

  • Reversion to Fundamentals: By reverting back to simple yet effective PID controllers, Anssum aimed to ensure precise control of variables within the base layer loops.
  • Ensuring Design Integrity: The overhaul was not just about introducing new controls but ensuring that the flash tanks performed as they were initially designed to.

Tangible Outcomes

Post-implementation of Anssum’s strategies, the results were commendable:

  • Pressure Boost: There was a significant increase in flash tank 1 pressure by 300 kPa, indicating better separation and recovery processes.
  • Enhanced SO2 Recovery: The absorption reliability in SO2 recovery improved by a remarkable 40%, showcasing the effectiveness of the initiative.
  • Stabilised Liquor Discharges: The overhaul reduced variability in liquor discharges, ensuring a more consistent process. Furthermore, the controllability of the liquor being discharged saw marked improvements, leading to enhanced system efficiency.

In Conclusion

With its strategic approach to the Flash Tanks Optimisation project, Anssum has once again showcased its ability to drive impactful change. The project underscores Anssum’s unwavering commitment to refining processes, conserving resources, and ensuring a sustainable future in the water, chemicals, and environmental sectors.

Anssum’s initiatives continue to set benchmarks in industry best practices, proving that with innovation and expertise, challenges can be transformed into opportunities for growth and sustainability.