In the face of global water scarcity, optimising water utilisation in industrial processes is more crucial than ever. Anssum’s project in South Africa, centered on Plant Wide Water Scheduling, epitomises this commitment to water conservation and efficient resource management.

Project Overview

  • Category: Water
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Plant Wide Water Scheduling
  • Status: Completed


Water plays a pivotal role in numerous industrial processes, and its efficient management is paramount to ensure uninterrupted production. Overlapping regeneration and backwash sequences can strain reservoir levels, potentially leading to production halts.

The Challenge

Ensuring water security by preventing high demand periods on the reservoir due to overlapping regeneration and backwash sequences.

  • Mitigating production losses associated with low reservoir levels.
  • Enhancing water efficiency in pulp production processes.

Anssum's Innovative Solution

To address these challenges, Anssum introduced a comprehensive scheduling system:

  • Intelligent Scheduling: The system schedules regeneration and backwash sequences to minimise overlapping. This intelligent approach ensures that the reservoir is not unduly strained during high demand periods.
  • Optimised Water Usage: The solution not only ensures water security but also optimises water usage in pulp production. This means producing more pulp per unit volume of water, thereby enhancing water efficiency.

Benefits & Outcomes

The project’s completion has led to several noteworthy outcomes:

  • Enhanced Water Security: The intelligent scheduling has significantly mitigated the risk of production losses due to low reservoir levels.
  • Improved Water Efficiency: There has been a marked reduction in specific water usage. The plant now produces more pulp for every cubic meter of water used.
  • Stabilised Water Demand: The system reduces the variance in water demand, ensuring a more predictable and stable utilisation pattern.


Anssum’s Plant Wide Water Scheduling project stands as a beacon of sustainable industrial practices. By prioritising water conservation and optimising its use, Anssum showcases its commitment to both environmental responsibility and production excellence.

Anssum remains at the forefront of sustainable solutions, leveraging technological advancements to ensure a greener and more resource-efficient future.



As industrialisation continues to expand, so does the importance of mitigating its environmental impact. Anssum is at the forefront of this challenge, offering cutting-edge engineering solutions aimed at reducing environmental footprints. With a portfolio of projects worldwide, we are committed to ushering in a new era of environmentally responsible industrial practices.

The Environmental Imperative

Environmental conservation is not just a social responsibility; it’s a business necessity. Industries are under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices to mitigate their environmental impact. At Anssum, we take this challenge seriously, focusing on a range of projects that aim to minimise waste, emissions, and resource consumption.

Our Multifaceted Approach

Our environmental initiatives encompass a broad spectrum of industrial activities:

  • Emission Control: We offer solutions that reduce harmful emissions, including optimising combustion processes to ensure lower levels of pollutants.
  • Resource Recovery: Our engineering solutions also focus on recovering and reusing resources, from chemicals to water, reducing the need for virgin materials and minimising waste.
  • Energy Efficiency: Our projects in energy conservation are designed to reduce energy consumption, thereby decreasing the associated environmental impact.

Global Footprint

Anssum’s environmental initiatives have been successfully deployed in multiple countries, highlighting our commitment to global sustainability. These projects not only demonstrate our engineering prowess but also reflect our dedication to a greener future.

Measurable Achievements

The effectiveness of our environmental initiatives is supported by tangible results:

  • Our emission control solutions have led to a significant reduction in harmful pollutants.
  • Resource recovery projects have resulted in decreased use of virgin materials, contributing to less waste and lower environmental impact.

The Road Ahead

Environmental conservation is an evolving challenge that requires continuous innovation. Anssum is committed to remaining at the cutting edge of this field, investing in research and development to find new and effective solutions for environmental sustainability.


Anssum’s environmental initiatives are a testament to our commitment to engineering solutions that are not just innovative but also environmentally responsible. Through a comprehensive approach that addresses emissions, resource recovery, and energy efficiency, we are setting new standards for what it means to be an environmentally responsible industry. As we look to the future, our focus is on continuing to drive innovation in environmental conservation, striving for a greener, more sustainable tomorrow.



Water is an invaluable resource that is becoming increasingly scarce. In this context, Anssum is committed to pioneering engineering solutions that focus on water savings in industrial settings. With a portfolio of successful projects in various countries, our goal is to help industries operate more sustainably while also achieving cost-efficiencies.

The Urgency of Water Savings

Water scarcity is a global issue that poses severe challenges to industries that are significant water consumers. Inefficient water usage not only escalates operational costs but also contributes to environmental degradation. Anssum’s water savings initiatives aim to address these critical concerns by optimising water-intensive processes.

Our Multifaceted Approach

Our water-saving initiatives cover multiple aspects of industrial operations:

  • Process Water Recycling: We develop systems that allow for the efficient recycling and reuse of process water, reducing the need for fresh water intake.
  • Cooling Tower Optimisation: By enhancing cooling tower operations, we minimise water loss through evaporation and drift, thereby conserving significant amounts of water.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Our solutions also include advanced wastewater treatment processes that enable the reuse of water, further reducing fresh water consumption.

Global Reach

Anssum’s water-saving projects have been successfully implemented in various countries, demonstrating our global commitment to water conservation and sustainable industrial practices.

Measurable Achievements

Our initiatives have led to significant water savings:

  • Our Process Water Recycling solutions have enabled industries to reduce fresh water intake by up to 30%, translating into substantial cost savings.
  • Cooling Tower Optimisation initiatives have resulted in a reduction of water loss by approximately 15-20%.

The Road Ahead

Water conservation is an ongoing challenge requiring innovative and effective solutions. Anssum remains committed to research and development in this area, aiming to set new industry standards for water efficiency and conservation.


Anssum’s water savings initiatives showcase our dedication to engineering sustainable and efficient solutions for pressing environmental challenges. Through our multifaceted approach, we deliver measurable results that not only meet but often exceed client expectations. As we forge ahead, our focus remains on creating a more sustainable future through intelligent water conservation strategies.



In the modern industrial environment, the efficient and sustainable recovery of chemicals is of paramount importance. Anssum leads the way in this specialised field, offering engineered solutions that not only optimise chemical recovery processes but also contribute to sustainability and cost-efficiency. With successful projects across various geographies, we are committed to setting new standards in the industry.

The Importance of Chemical Recovery

Chemical recovery isn’t just a process; it’s a vital component of industrial sustainability. Inefficient chemical recovery can lead to increased operational costs and negative environmental impacts. At Anssum, we tackle this challenge through a variety of projects aimed at enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of chemical recovery processes.

Our Multifaceted Approach

Our initiatives in chemical recovery are diverse, covering critical aspects of industrial operations:

  • Sulfate Recovery Process (SRP) Optimisation: We focus on achieving tighter control over chemical recovery processes to ensure maximum sulfate recovery, thereby reducing raw material consumption and improving process stability.
  • Combustion Optimisation: Our solutions also extend to optimising the combustion processes involved in chemical recovery, ensuring maximum efficiency and minimum emissions.

Global Footprint

Anssum’s chemical recovery initiatives have seen successful implementations in multiple countries, including South Africa. These projects underscore our global commitment to advancing sustainable and efficient chemical recovery processes.

Measurable Technical Achievements

The effectiveness of our solutions is best demonstrated through quantifiable results:

  • Our SRP Optimisation project led to increased stability and reduced raw material consumption, resulting in significant cost savings for our clients.

The Road Ahead

Chemical recovery remains a dynamic field requiring constant innovation. At Anssum, we continue to invest in research and development to pioneer new solutions that can set industry benchmarks for efficiency and sustainability.


Anssum’s chemical recovery drives epitomise our commitment to engineering excellence and sustainable industrial practices. By focusing on optimisation and control, we provide our clients with solutions that exceed expectations in both efficiency and sustainability. As we move forward, we remain dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the field of chemical recovery.



In today’s industrial landscape, sustainability and energy efficiency are more than buzzwords—they are necessities. Anssum is a leading innovator in this space, offering specialised engineering solutions that enhance energy efficiency across diverse industrial applications. With projects in various countries, our mission is to minimise operational costs and environmental impact for clients worldwide.

The Imperative for Energy Efficiency

The industrial sector remains a significant consumer of energy, making energy efficiency a critical concern. Inefficiencies not only lead to increased operational costs but also contribute to environmental degradation. Anssum tackles this challenge through a portfolio of projects aimed at streamlining and optimising energy use in industrial settings.

Our Multifaceted Approach

Our energy efficiency initiatives span several key areas of industrial operations:

  • Recovery Boiler Soot Blowing: We use intelligent control systems to optimise soot blowing, allowing boilers to operate at peak thermal efficiency. This results in additional steam generation without the need for extra fuel.
  • Evaporator Efficiency: Our solutions for Multiple Effect Evaporators (MEE) and Multiple Vapor Recompression (MVR) evaporators aim to extend the time between cleaning operations, thus reducing steam consumption and increasing overall efficiency.
  • Combustion Optimisation: As part of our comprehensive approach, we also focus on optimising combustion processes to ensure maximum fuel efficiency and minimum emissions.

Global Footprint

Anssum’s projects have a global impact, with successful implementations in countries including South Africa. These completed projects are a testament to our expertise and our commitment to fostering a sustainable industrial environment globally.

Measurable Technical Achievements

The results of our initiatives speak for themselves:

  • One project involving Recovery Boiler Soot Blowing generated an additional 5 tons per hour of steam with the same fuel input.
  • Our evaporator efficiency projects have led to a reduction of 7 tons per hour in steam usage for MEE and MVR evaporators.

The Road Ahead

Our commitment to energy efficiency is ongoing. We continually invest in research and development to create even more effective solutions. Our objective is to continually set new standards in energy conservation and contribute to a future where industrial efficiency and environmental stewardship coexist harmoniously.


Anssum’s energy efficiency drives underscore our expertise and dedication to creating a more sustainable future. Through state-of-the-art engineering and control systems, we exceed client expectations by delivering solutions that are as innovative as they are effective. As we look forward, our focus remains steadfast on pioneering sustainable and efficient industrial operations globally.



In the field of energy conservation, Anssum’s latest venture, the “Soot Blowing Optimisation” project in New Zealand, stands as a prime example of their commitment to sustainable innovation. Initiated in October 2022 and concluded in May 2023, this project aims to harness the power of smart technology to enhance boiler efficiency.

Project Overview

  • Category: Energy
  • Location: New Zealand
  • Project: Soot Blowing Optimisation
  • Duration: 10/2022 – 05/2023
  • Status: Complete


Boilers play an essential role in various industrial processes, producing steam that drives turbines and other machinery. Over time, soot accumulates on the heat transfer surfaces within boilers, reducing their efficiency.

The Challenge

  • Address the accumulation of soot which reduces the thermal efficiency of boilers.
  • Ensure timely and efficient removal of soot without compromising boiler operation.
  • Achieve significant energy savings by maintaining optimal boiler performance.

Anssum's Innovative Solution

To meet these challenges, Anssum introduced the following measures:

  • Smart Soot Blowing Technology: Leveraging the latest advancements in smart technology, the soot blowing system is designed to detect and remove soot accumulations with precision, ensuring that boilers operate at peak efficiency.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Integrated sensors and monitoring systems provide continuous feedback on soot levels, enabling timely interventions and ensuring consistent boiler performance.
  • Efficient Scheduling: The smart system schedules soot blowing operations based on real-time data, ensuring that the process is carried out at the most opportune moments, maximising energy savings.

Achievements to Date

  • Significant Savings: The project has already delivered $333k in steam savings since its inception, underscoring its effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Enhanced Boiler Performance: The smart soot blowing system ensures that boilers operate at optimal levels, providing consistent performance and reducing downtime.

Sustainable Approach: By maintaining boiler efficiency, the project contributes to reduced energy consumption, aligning with Anssum’s commitment to sustainability.


Anssum’s “Soot Blowing Optimisation” project in New Zealand exemplifies their dedication to blending innovative technology with practical solutions. By integrating smart soot blowing systems, Anssum has successfully charted a path towards greater boiler efficiency and significant energy savings.

Anssum’s continuous drive towards sustainable solutions and technological advancements positions them at the forefront of the energy conservation sector. Through projects like these, they pave the way for a more sustainable industrial landscape.



In the quest for energy conservation and operational efficiency, Anssum’s recent “Evaporators Vacuum Optimisation” project in Canada epitomises their innovative spirit and commitment to sustainable solutions. Launched on 01/03/2023 and currently in progress, this initiative seeks to redefine the boundaries of evaporator efficiency.

Project Overview

  • Category: Energy
  • Location: Canada
  • Project: Evaporators Vacuum Optimisation
  • Duration: 01/03/2023 – Present
  • Status: In Progress


Evaporators play a pivotal role in various industrial processes, concentrating solutions by evaporating solvents. A crucial aspect of their operation is maintaining an optimal vacuum, which ensures efficient solvent evaporation, energy conservation, and process efficacy.

The Challenge

  • Facilitate precise control over the vacuum levels in multiple parallel evaporator units.
  • Efficiently distribute the vacuum capacity among the parallel units without compromising operational efficiency.
  • Address potential disturbances and inconsistencies in vacuum levels that can hamper the evaporative process.

Anssum's Groundbreaking Solution

To navigate these challenges, Anssum has adopted a comprehensive approach:

  • MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) Control: Utilising MIMO technology, Anssum has designed a system to manage and control multiple evaporator units concurrently. This ensures a harmonised operation, optimising vacuum distribution, and efficiency across all units.
  • Dynamic Vacuum Distribution: The system is equipped to dynamically allocate vacuum based on real-time requirements of each evaporator unit, ensuring that every unit operates at its peak efficiency.
  • Real-time Monitoring and Feedback: Advanced sensors and monitoring systems are integrated to provide instantaneous feedback on vacuum levels, enabling swift adjustments and ensuring optimal operation.

Expected Outcomes

  • Optimal Vacuum Distribution: The MIMO system ensures that each evaporator unit receives the precise vacuum level it requires, ensuring maximum efficiency and output.
  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Dynamic allocation of vacuum and real-time monitoring minimises disruptions and optimises the evaporative process.
  • Energy Conservation: By ensuring each evaporator operates at peak efficiency, energy consumption is minimised, leading to significant energy savings.


The “Evaporators Vacuum Optimisation” project stands as a testament to Anssum’s dedication to pushing the frontiers of technological innovation and operational excellence. By integrating state-of-the-art MIMO systems with practical applications, Anssum is charting a path to a more sustainable and efficient future.

With initiatives like these, Anssum continues to lead the way in sustainable industrial solutions, setting new standards for energy conservation and operational efficiency.



The pursuit of innovation in the realm of energy conservation is ceaseless, and Anssum has consistently been at the forefront of this journey. Their recent initiative, the “Recovery Boiler Air Supply Stabilisation” project, launched in Canada from 01/03/2023 and presently ongoing, is a testament to their commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency.

Project Overview

  • Category: Energy
  • Location: Canada
  • Project: Recovery Boiler Air Supply Stabilisation
  • Duration: 01/03/2023 – Present
  • Status: In Progress


Recovery boilers are indispensable in the pulp and paper industry, efficiently converting black liquor into steam while reclaiming chemicals for reutilisation. A critical aspect that dictates their efficiency is the consistency and adequacy of the air supply, which is vital for optimal combustion.

The Challenge

  • Ensure stable and precise control over the primary, secondary, and tertiary air supply systems in the recovery boiler.
  • Counteract disturbances and fluctuations in air supply, which can impact combustion efficiency.
  • Seamlessly integrate multiple air supply systems to achieve a harmonised and efficient operation.

Anssum's Innovative Solution

To tackle these challenges head-on, Anssum implemented a multi-faceted strategy:

  • Damper Control: Incorporation of advanced damper systems to modulate the airflow, ensuring a consistent and optimal air supply for combustion.
  • MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) Control: Leveraging MIMO technology to simultaneously control the primary, secondary, and tertiary air supply systems. This ensures a synchronised operation, optimising combustion and boiler efficiency.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Deployment of state-of-the-art sensors and monitoring systems to provide real-time feedback, enabling instant adjustments and ensuring the boiler operates at peak efficiency.

Expected Outcomes

  • Precision Air Supply Control: The integration of damper and MIMO control will ensure that the air supply is consistent, optimising combustion and enhancing boiler efficiency.
  • Reduced Operational Disruptions: With real-time monitoring and instant adjustments, potential disruptions and inefficiencies can be preempted and mitigated.
  • Sustainable Operations: Optimised combustion will not only lead to energy savings but also ensure efficient chemical recovery and reduced environmental impact.


The “Recovery Boiler Air Supply Stabilisation” initiative underscores Anssum’s dedication to pioneering solutions that drive industrial efficiency. By blending cutting-edge technology with pragmatic applications, Anssum is setting new benchmarks in energy conservation and operational excellence.

In a world where sustainable operations are imperative, endeavors such as these by Anssum provide a roadmap for industries to transition towards a more energy-efficient future.



Canada’s industrial sector is a beacon of innovation, and leading this transformative journey is Anssum. With its latest project, the “Recovery Boiler Combustion Optimisation,” initiated in Canada from 01/03/2023 and currently in progress, Anssum aims to redefine the standards of boiler efficiency through accurate ratio control.

Project Overview

  • Category: Energy
  • Location: Canada
  • Project: Recovery Boiler Combustion Optimisation
  • Duration: 01/03/2023 – Present
  • Status: In Progress


Recovery boilers play a pivotal role in the pulp and paper industry, converting black liquor from the digester into steam while recovering chemicals for reuse. The efficiency of these boilers is paramount, not only for energy conservation but also for optimal chemical recovery. One of the primary factors influencing this efficiency is the precision of combustion.

The Challenge

  • Achieve optimal combustion in the recovery boiler.
  • Ensure a consistent and accurate fuel-to-air ratio for combustion.
  • Minimise emissions and wastage while maximising boiler efficiency.

Anssum's Groundbreaking Approach

To address these challenges, Anssum employed a systematic strategy:

  • Advanced Sensors: Integrating high-tech sensors to continuously monitor the fuel-to-air ratio in real-time, ensuring that any deviations are instantly detected.
  • Dynamic Ratio Control: Developing advanced control algorithms that dynamically adjust the fuel and air supply, maintaining an optimal ratio for combustion. This not only ensures efficient combustion but also reduces emissions.
  • Data Analytics: Harnessing the power of data analytics to analyse combustion patterns, identifying areas of improvement, and predicting potential issues before they arise.

Anticipated Outcomes

  • Enhanced Boiler Efficiency: By ensuring accurate ratio control, the recovery boiler will operate at peak efficiency, leading to significant energy savings.
  • Reduced Emissions: Optimal combustion will result in reduced emissions, contributing to a cleaner environment.
  • Sustainable Chemical Recovery: By optimising combustion, the recovery of chemicals will be more efficient, leading to sustainable operations and reduced wastage.


The “Recovery Boiler Combustion Optimisation” project is a testament to Anssum’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of industrial efficiency. By merging technology with practical applications, Anssum is not only enhancing operational standards but also paving the way for a sustainable and energy-efficient future.

With such initiatives, industries can look forward to a future where energy conservation is not just a goal but a standard operational practice.



Canada, with its vast industrial framework, has always been a hub for innovation and forward-thinking approaches. Anssum, leading the charge in this domain, initiated a pioneering project known as the “Evaporator Predictive Washing Scheduling” between 01/01/2022 – 01/07/2022 in Canada. The goal was to harness the power of predictive analytics to determine the optimal times for evaporator maintenance.

Project Overview

  • Category: Energy
  • Location: Canada
  • Project: Evaporator Predictive Washing Scheduling
  • Duration: 01/01/2022 – 01/07/2022
  • Status: Completed


Evaporators, widely used in numerous industries, play a pivotal role in concentrating solutions. However, over time, these evaporators can get dirty, affecting their efficiency and leading to increased energy consumption. Regular maintenance and cleaning are essential to keep them at peak performance. But the question remains: When is the right time to wash them?

The Challenge

  • Predict the optimal washing times for the evaporators.
  • Ensure the evaporators remain cleaner for more extended periods.
  • Reduce unscheduled downtimes and enhance overall efficiency.

Anssum's Ingenious Solution

Anssum approached this challenge with a multi-faceted strategy:

  • Data Collection: Employ sensors and data collection devices to gather real-time data from the evaporators, monitoring factors like efficiency, temperature fluctuations, and residue accumulation.
  • Predictive Analysis: Utilise advanced machine learning algorithms to analyse the collected data and predict the optimal washing times. This ensures that the evaporators are cleaned just before any significant efficiency drop, maximising their operational duration.
  • Automated Scheduling: Based on the predictive analysis, an automated schedule for washing the evaporators is generated. This ensures timely maintenance without human intervention.

Remarkable Outcomes

  • Increased Efficiency: By predicting and scheduling washes at the optimal time, the evaporators remained cleaner for longer durations, ensuring consistent high efficiency.
  • Reduced Downtimes: Predictive scheduling meant fewer unscheduled downtimes, leading to uninterrupted operations and higher productivity.
  • Resource Conservation: By ensuring the evaporators operate at peak efficiency for longer durations, there was a notable reduction in energy consumption.


The “Evaporator Predictive Washing Scheduling” project epitomises Anssum’s commitment to incorporating cutting-edge technology into everyday industrial operations. By blending data science with practical applications, Anssum continually sets new industry standards, driving towards a future of efficiency and sustainability.

Harnessing the potential of predictive analytics, industries can leap into a future where maintenance is not just a routine but a strategically planned endeavor.