Canada’s energy landscape has been rapidly evolving, with industries and businesses striving for optimised energy consumption. Anssum, ever at the forefront of these endeavours, embarked on a project termed “Evaporator Solids Density Control” in Canada, aiming to refine the management of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in evaporators.

Project Overview

  • Category: Energy
  • Location: Canada
  • Project: Evaporator Solids Density Control
  • Status: Completed


Evaporators are crucial in various industries for concentrating solutions by evaporating the solvent. One of the main challenges in this process is maintaining the right balance of TDS in the outlet, especially in multi-effect evaporators. Precise control of TDS not only ensures product quality but also significantly impacts energy consumption.

The Challenge

  • Achieve accurate control of TDS in the outlet of effect 1, 2, and 3.
  • Reduce energy consumption associated with these processes.

Anssum's Pioneering Solution

Anssum embarked on this project with a clear focus:

  • Advanced Monitoring: Implement state-of-the-art sensors and monitoring systems to continuously track the TDS levels in the outlets of the three effects.
  • Dynamic Adjustments: Based on the data gathered, dynamically adjust the operation parameters to maintain optimal TDS levels, ensuring consistent product quality and efficient operation.
  • Energy Conservation: By maintaining the ideal TDS, the energy required for the evaporation process is reduced, leading to significant energy savings.

Impressive Outcomes

  • Energy Savings: The project led to an energy saving of 15.4 kWh per ton of Dry solids, marking a significant stride in energy conservation.
  • Economic Impact: These energy savings translated to an annual monetary benefit of $CAD 238k, highlighting the economic advantages of optimised operations.


The “Evaporator Solids Density Control” project stands as a beacon of Anssum’s dedication to energy efficiency and operational excellence. By harmonising advanced technology with industry best practices, Anssum consistently showcases its capability in ushering industries towards sustainable and economical operations.

In the realm of energy optimisation, it’s projects like these that set the benchmark. With dedicated efforts and innovative solutions, a sustainable energy future is within reach.



The energy sector, particularly in industries with large boilers, constantly seeks ways to optimise and enhance their operations. One such endeavor by Anssum in Canada, termed “Recovery Boiler Sootblowing”, epitomises the synergy of smart solutions and efficiency gains.

Project Overview

  • Category: Energy
  • Location: Canada
  • Project: Recovery Boiler Sootblowing
  • Status: Completed


Recovery boilers, critical to various industries, can face challenges with accumulated soot, reducing their thermal efficiency over time. Efficient sootblowing can significantly improve the boiler’s performance, leading to energy savings.

The Challenge

  • Increase the boiler’s thermal efficiency.
  • Implement a sootblowing strategy that’s both effective and economical.

Anssum's Ingenious Solution

Anssum proposed a shift from conventional sootblowing practices to a “smart sootblowing” approach. This method:

  • Optimises the Frequency of Sootblowing: Rather than adhering to a rigid schedule, smart sootblowing adjusts the frequency based on real-time data and boiler conditions.
  • Reduces Wear and Tear: By targeting only areas that need cleaning and reducing unnecessary sootblowing, the lifespan of boiler components can be extended.
  • Maximises Thermal Efficiency: Ensuring that the boiler operates without excessive soot accumulation guarantees optimal heat transfer and overall efficiency.

Outstanding Outcomes

  • Steam Savings: The initiative led to savings of 0.14 klb steam per ton of BL fired, a significant reduction in operational costs.
  • Economic Impact: This efficient sootblowing translated to a monetary saving of $CAD 142k per annum, showcasing the dual benefits of the project – enhanced efficiency and cost savings.


The “Recovery Boiler Sootblowing” project in Canada stands as a testament to Anssum’s commitment to energy conservation and operational efficiency. By integrating smart solutions with traditional practices, Anssum has once again demonstrated its prowess in driving sustainable and economical outcomes for industries.

The future of energy efficiency lies in the harmonisation of traditional practices with innovative technologies. Projects like these pave the way for a more sustainable and cost-effective industrial landscape.



Modern industrial processes, while complex, can be made more efficient and robust with the right control strategies. Anssum’s project in South Africa, dubbed “Continuous Digester MPC”, exemplifies how advanced control methodologies can enhance production quality and reduce variability.

Project Overview

  • Category: Production
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Continuous Digester MPC
  • Status: Completed


The Kamir digester in FL#2 faced challenges with Kappa variability, a measure crucial for the quality of pulp production. Achieving consistent Kappa values is essential for ensuring the desired quality and reducing waste.

The Challenge

  • Reduce Kappa variability in the Kamir digester.
  • Minimise manual interventions by operators.
  • Explore potential improvements using advanced control strategies.

Anssum's Ingenious Solution

Anssum embarked on a mission to:

  • Develop a Model Predictive Control (MPC): This advanced control strategy uses a model of the process to predict future outcomes and adjust controls accordingly. Anssum’s team employed non-linear modelling and optimisation techniques to achieve the desired reduction in Kappa variability.
  • Focused Control Variable: Initially, only the top temperature of the digester was used as a control variable. This pinpointed approach ensured that the primary source of variability was addressed directly.
  • Expansion in Control Horison: Anssum also delved deeper by investigating the expansion in the EA set point, exploring the potential to further enhance control and reduce variability.

Stellar Outcomes

    • Significant Reduction in Operator Interventions: Post the implementation of the MPC, there was a 53% reduction in the time operators had to intervene with the controllers, signaling a more robust and stable process.
    • Dramatic Improvement in Kappa Variability: The project achieved a whopping 68% improvement in Kappa variability, ensuring consistent quality in production.
    • Enhanced Kappa Set-Point: The successful project enabled an increase in the Kappa set-point by 1.85 Kappa, pointing towards higher quality production.


The “Continuous Digester MPC” project stands as a hallmark of Anssum’s prowess in control engineering. By harnessing advanced control methodologies, Anssum transformed the production process of the Kamir digester, ensuring better quality, reduced waste, and higher efficiency.

In a world where quality and consistency are paramount, projects like these showcase how technical innovations can drive superior outcomes, setting new standards for industries worldwide.



Water, as a crucial resource in industrial applications, demands efficient management. Anssum’s endeavor in South Africa, titled “Mill Wide Warm and Hot Water Balancing,” showcases an exemplary approach to optimise water usage and minimise wastage.

Project Overview

  • Category: Water
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Mill Wide Warm and Hot Water Balancing
  • Status: Completed


The MgO1 Warm/Hot water tank stands as a linchpin in the cooling process of MgO2 and MgO3 flash tanks, LP coolers, and liquor coolers. With a systematic exchange of water, MgO3 returns the heated water to the MgO1 hot water tank, while MgO2 redirects its heated water to Bleaching 4. Although overflows at MgO1 and MgO2 facilitate the transfer from the MgO1 warm water tank to the MgO3A warm water tank, they are not primarily intended for level control. These transfers, while essential, posed a challenge in conserving water and preventing unnecessary wastage.

The Challenge

  • Streamline the transfer of water between different sections of the plant.
  • Minimise the influx of mill water into the system.
  • Reduce water wastage due to overflows.

Anssum's Holistic Solution

Understanding the intricacies of the water transfer system, Anssum set out to:

  • Enhance Transfer Efficiency: By revisiting the water transfer dynamics, Anssum ensured that water moved seamlessly between MgO1, MgO2, and MgO3, catering to the cooling needs without wastage.
  • Optimal Overflow Management: The overflows at MgO1 and MgO2, initially incidental, were effectively managed to minimise water losses.
  • Efficient Level Control: While the tanks had their inherent level control mechanisms, Anssum’s intervention fine-tuned these controls to maintain optimal water levels and prevent unnecessary water intake from the mill.

Remarkable Outcomes

  • Substantial Water Savings: Anssum’s efforts bore fruit with a significant reduction in water consumption. The initiative led to a decrease in 70 m3/hr of mains water, underscoring the project’s success.


The “Mill Wide Warm and Hot Water Balancing” project is a testament to Anssum’s expertise in resource optimisation. By strategically balancing water levels and transfers across the mill, Anssum not only conserved a precious resource but also set a benchmark for industries to emulate.

Anssum’s commitment to efficient water management resonates in projects like these, proving that with foresight and technical prowess, industries can strike a balance between operational demands and sustainable practices.



In the realm of industrial processes, even a minor oversight can lead to a significant waste of resources. Anssum’s project on the “Washpit Scrubber Condenser Control” in South Africa is a testament to the importance of timely intervention and innovative solutions.

Project Overview

  • Category: Water
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Washpit Scrubber Condenser Control
  • Status: Completed


Scrubbers play a critical role in reducing emissions from industrial processes. In South Africa’s industrial landscape, the washpit scrubber was designed with a logic to increase water usage whenever the stack SO2 measurement surpassed a specific threshold. While the logic effectively kept emissions in check, it inadvertently strained the warm water circuit.

The Challenge

  • Address the excessive water consumption by the scrubber.
  • Find an alternative to the existing logic that triggers increased water usage.
  • Ensure that SO2 emissions remain within acceptable limits without compromising on water efficiency.

Anssum's Insightful Solution

A thorough investigation by Anssum revealed a crucial observation: the incoming temperature to the scrubber rose noticeably before any increase in stack emissions was detected. This temperature change presented a timely warning sign, an opportunity to preemptively address potential emissions.

Building on this discovery, Anssum implemented a two-pronged approach:

  • Temperature Monitoring: By continuously monitoring the incoming temperature, the system could predict potential stack emissions before they occurred.
  • New Logic Implementation: Capitalising on the early warning from temperature changes, Anssum introduced new logic. This innovative logic reacted to temperature shifts, adjusting the scrubber’s operations preemptively and reducing the likelihood of triggering the old water-intensive logic.

Impressive Outcomes

  • Water Savings: The project resulted in a significant conservation of water. There was a 50% reduction in water supplied to the scrubber, translating to savings of 50 to 100 m3/hr.
  • Efficient Emission Control: The new logic ensured that SO2 emissions were effectively managed without the need for excessive water usage.
  • Protection of Warm Water Circuit: The reduced water demand from the scrubber alleviated the strain on the warm water circuit, ensuring its longevity and efficiency.


The Washpit Scrubber Condenser Control project exemplifies Anssum’s commitment to sustainable solutions that balance operational needs with environmental responsibility. By turning challenges into opportunities for innovation, Anssum continues to redefine industry standards and pave the way for a more resource-efficient future.

Anssum’s dedication to water conservation and process optimisation proves that with the right approach, industries can thrive while upholding environmental values.



Water conservation, efficient chemical usage, and environmental responsibility are at the core of modern industrial processes. Anssum’s “Brown Stock Washing Optimisation” project in South Africa encapsulates these values, showcasing a masterclass in control engineering and process optimisation.

Project Overview

  • Categories: Water, Chemicals, Environment
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Brown Stock Washing Optimisation
  • Status: Completed


The process of brown stock washing plays a pivotal role in the pulp and paper industry. However, inconsistencies in the operation can lead to inefficiencies, increased water consumption, and reduced production rates. The challenge was to ensure stable operation while optimising water and chemical consumption.

The Challenge

  • Achieve better control of consistency into the belt washer.
  • Enhance the operation stability of the belt washer.
  • Optimise the vacuum boxes in the belt washer for improved washing efficiency and vacuum profile.

Anssum's Ingenious Solution

Anssum, with its expertise in control engineering, proposed a dual-phase solution:

  • Feed Forward Control Scheme: Anssum introduced a new feed-forward control scheme that ensured better consistency control into the belt washer by appropriately loading the units. This approach allowed for real-time adjustments, leading to consistent operations and reduced inefficiencies.
  • Operational Stabilisation and Vacuum Control: After ensuring the stability of the belt washer’s operation, the focus shifted to refining the control of the vacuum boxes. This optimisation aimed to enhance washing efficiency and restore the vacuum profile, ensuring optimal water and chemical usage.

Remarkable Outcomes

  • Consistency Control: The initiative led to a massive reduction in the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of consistency by 73.78%.
  • Operational Stability: The stable operation of the belt washer resulted in a significant production rate increase of 40%.
  • Optimised Vacuum Profile: The vacuum profile of the belt washer was successfully restored, leading to more efficient operations.
  • Water Conservation: One of the standout achievements was the reduction in water consumption per Bone Dry Tonne (Bdt) by 32.14%, showcasing Anssum’s commitment to environmental sustainability.


The Brown Stock Washing Optimisation project underscores Anssum’s dedication to blending technical prowess with environmental consciousness. By achieving operational excellence and reducing resource consumption, Anssum continues to set industry standards, demonstrating the transformative power of intelligent process optimisation.

With its unwavering commitment to conserving water, optimising chemical usage, and protecting the environment, Anssum is not just engineering solutions; it’s crafting a sustainable future.



In the vast realm of energy optimisation, even small advancements can lead to significant benefits, both in terms of operational efficiency and environmental sustainability. Anssum’s recent project in South Africa, the “MEE Control Restructure,” exemplifies this principle, with its focus on refining the control mechanisms of Multiple Effect Evaporators (MEEs) to enhance their performance.

Project Overview

  • Category: Energy
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: MEE Control Restructure
  • Status: Completed


Multiple Effect Evaporators (MEEs) are critical components in many industrial processes. Their operation, if not optimised, can lead to inefficiencies, increased energy consumption, and operational challenges.

The Challenge

  • Ensure the MEEs operate both efficiently and effectively.
  • Overcome the instability experienced during effect changeovers.
  • Eliminate the reliance on an outdated Model Predictive Control (MPC) system that was no longer fit for purpose.

Anssum's Ingenious Solution

To meet these challenges head-on, Anssum proposed a comprehensive restructure of the MEE’s control:

  • Tuning of the PID Controller: By fine-tuning the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller integrated into the MEE system, Anssum was able to enhance stability, especially during effect changeovers. This adjustment not only improved the operational efficiency of the MEEs but also mitigated potential risks associated with abrupt changes.
  • Removing Dependency on Outdated MPC: Anssum identified the outdated MPC as a potential bottleneck for the MEEs’ performance. By phasing out this dependency, the MEEs could operate based on more modern and efficient control mechanisms, ensuring they were fit for contemporary operational demands.

Impressive Outcomes

  • Enhanced Stability: The refined PID controller settings resulted in significantly improved stability during effect changeovers.
  • Boosted Production: The cumulative impact of the MEE Control Restructure led to a notable 6.45% increase in production, showcasing the tangible benefits of the initiative.


The MEE Control Restructure project stands as a testament to Anssum’s dedication to innovation, operational excellence, and sustainability. By embracing modern control techniques and shedding outdated dependencies, Anssum has once again demonstrated its prowess in driving energy efficiency and production enhancement.

Anssum’s commitment to fostering energy efficiency while ensuring operational effectiveness remains unparalleled. Through projects like the MEE Control Restructure, Anssum continues to set industry benchmarks, paving the way for a brighter and more sustainable future.



The chemical industry, with its intricate processes and precision requirements, constantly seeks ways to optimise and innovate. Anssum’s recent project in South Africa, titled “Dropleg Pulp Consistency Soft Sensor,” stands as a shining example of how technology can be harnessed to enhance operational efficiency in the chemical sector.

Project Overview

  • Category: Chemicals
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Dropleg Pulp Consistency Soft Sensor
  • Status: Ongoing since 01/07/2023


In the realm of pulp production, maintaining the right consistency is crucial. It affects not only the quality of the end product but also the efficiency and sustainability of the production process. Traditional methods of monitoring pulp consistency have their limitations, prompting the need for more advanced solutions.

The Challenge

  • Predicting the consistency of pulp at different stages of the bleaching plant with high accuracy.
  • Implementing a non-intrusive and efficient method of monitoring that can offer real-time insights and facilitate quick decision-making.

Anssum's Innovative Solution

In response to the challenges, Anssum introduced the “Dropleg Pulp Consistency Soft Sensor.” This state-of-the-art soft sensor was developed with the primary goal of predicting pulp consistency at various stages in the bleaching plant. The innovative aspects of this solution include:

  • Real-time Monitoring: The soft sensor provides immediate feedback on pulp consistency, enabling operators to make quick adjustments if needed.
  • High Accuracy: Emphasising the aspect of “Monitoring Accuracy,” the soft sensor ensures precise readings, reducing the margin of error and enhancing product quality.
  • Ease of Integration: Designed to seamlessly fit into existing systems, the soft sensor doesn’t require significant overhauls or changes in the plant’s operations.

Anticipated Outcomes

  • Improved Product Quality: With accurate consistency monitoring, the quality of the pulp produced is expected to be consistently high.
  • Operational Efficiency: Real-time insights mean less downtime, fewer errors, and a smoother production process.
  • Cost Savings: Precise monitoring can lead to reduced wastage and more efficient use of resources, translating to potential cost savings.


Anssum’s Dropleg Pulp Consistency Soft Sensor project is a testament to the company’s dedication to pushing the boundaries in the chemical industry. By integrating advanced technology and a deep understanding of the sector’s needs, Anssum is not only enhancing the present but also shaping the future of chemical processing. The company remains committed to delivering solutions that balance technical innovation with practical application, driving both industry growth and environmental sustainability.

Anssum remains at the forefront of sustainable solutions, leveraging technological advancements to ensure a greener and more resource-efficient future.



The challenge of ensuring energy efficiency while maintaining equipment longevity and production effectiveness is one that industries worldwide grapple with. Anssum’s project in South Africa, titled “Evaporator Washing Optimisation,” showcases a strategic approach to tackle this challenge, especially concerning the MgO#1 pre-evaporators.

Project Overview

  • Category: Energy
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Evaporator Washing Optimisation
  • Status: In progress


Evaporators, especially in industrial settings, need regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure their optimal functioning. Over time, residues can accumulate, affecting the efficiency of the evaporators and necessitating unplanned shutdowns.

The Challenge

Extending the mean time between shutdowns for the MgO#1 pre-evaporators.

  • Ensuring that the evaporators, Alice and Rhonda, are shut down for cleaning only when necessary, optimising the cleaning schedule based on the actual condition of the equipment.
  • Implementing a system that can evaluate the condition of each of the four effects in real-time.

Anssum's Innovative Solution

To address these challenges, Anssum proposed the following solutions:

  • Development of Two KPIs: Anssum introduced two Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the evaporators.
    • Short-term KPI: This KPI helps establish the condition of each of the four effects in real-time. It aids in immediate decision-making, ensuring that any effect that is dirty or not working optimally is addressed promptly.
    • Long-term KPI: This KPI determines whether Alice or Rhonda needs to be shut down for cleaning. It will be used to optimise the cleaning schedule, ensuring that shutdowns are planned considering the overall mill conditions.

Closed-loop System: The short-term KPI can be employed in a closed-loop manner. By adjusting the surge tank level set points, it’s possible

Anticipated Outcomes

  • Extended Equipment Longevity: By ensuring that the evaporators are cleaned only when necessary, their lifespan and efficiency are expected to improve.
  • Optimised Cleaning Schedules: The use of the long-term KPI will help in scheduling cleaning processes at optimal times, reducing unplanned shutdowns.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: The closed-loop system using the short-term KPI will ensure that the evaporators are always functioning at their peak efficiency.


Anssum’s Evaporator Washing Optimisation project is a testament to the company’s commitment to energy efficiency and sustainable operations. By leveraging technology and strategic planning, Anssum continues to pave the way for a more energy-efficient future.

Anssum is steadfast in its mission to provide solutions that combine technological prowess with sustainable practices, ensuring both operational excellence and environmental responsibility.



In the realm of production, efficient scheduling can be a game-changer, optimising resources and maximising output. Anssum’s ongoing project in South Africa, centered on Batch Digester Scheduling, is paving the way for enhanced operational efficiency.

Project Overview

  • Category: Production
  • Location: South Africa
  • Project: Batch Digester Scheduling
  • Status: In progress


Batch digesters are at the heart of numerous production processes, requiring intricate scheduling to ensure seamless operations. An optimal cook sequence not only maximises production output but also minimises resource wastage.

The Challenge

Efficiently scheduling cooks between digesters.

  • Identifying and rectifying out-of-phase digesters, which can hamper the overall efficiency of the production process.

Anssum's Innovative Solution

To address these challenges, Anssum embarked on the development of a state-of-the-art scheduling tool specifically for the MgO#1 digester plant:

  • Efficient Cook Sequence Selection: The tool aids operators in determining the most efficient sequence of cooks between digesters. By streamlining this process, the tool ensures that each digester is utilised to its maximum potential.
  • Identification of Out-of-Phase Digesters: An out-of-phase digester can disrupt the flow of operations. The scheduling tool is adept at pinpointing such digesters, enabling operators to take timely corrective actions.

Benefits & Outcomes

While the project is still in progress, the scheduling tool promises a host of benefits:

  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: By optimising the cook sequence, the tool aims to boost the overall efficiency of the digester plant.
  • Resource Optimisation: Efficient scheduling minimises resource wastage, leading to cost savings.
  • Timely Problem Identification: With the ability to identify out-of-phase digesters, the tool ensures that potential disruptions are addressed promptly.


The Batch Digester Scheduling initiative in South Africa is a testament to Anssum’s dedication to enhancing production processes through innovative solutions. As the project progresses, it is set to redefine operational efficiency standards in the industry.

Anssum continues its journey of innovation, merging technology with industry expertise to set new benchmarks in production excellence.